Ticket To Ride Compatible Cabinet

  • Sale
  • $185 CAD

The Ticket To Ride Compatible Cabinet (TTRCC) will hold all the TTR bits!

The cabinet  is solidly constricted with 4 mm plywood cladding and  2.3 mm hard board.

It has handy horizontal slots for 20 maps. There are 4 drawers for cards, each holding up to 460 cards in 100 micron sleeves. It includes 20 dividers and the cards can be up to 61x95mm (including the sleeve).

There are other drawers for holding player pieces:
   5 bit minders for trains, score markers & depots
   5 bit minders for ships and shipyards
   5 bit minders for passengers, cards, warehouses, & buses
   1 bit minder for merchant and bridge tokens
   1 bit minder for the Alvin and Dexter minis

There are larger drawers for:
   The dice expansion (cup, dice and Destination tokens)
   One for warehouses and the cloth bag containing passengers
   And a large drawer for card holders.

There is a centre drawer for containing larger tokens

There are spare drawers for future expansion.

The main door for the cabinet has space for all the rules

The base of the TTRCC has 9 felt pads

The cabinet dimensions are approx. 50 cm high by 51 cm wide by 31 cm deep and it weighs approx. 10 kg.

The beautiful train illustration on the front of the cabinet is from vecteezy.com

The Ticket To Ride Compatible Cabinet for all your TTR bits!